Monday, December 17, 2007

Six Challenges of Parenting

Ever thought of parenting as a pleasure? Or have you ever thought of it as a hell of experience that a to-be father and mother must pass through? Though this might have been found as true, facing these challenges can be aided with someone been able to identify them ahead of time.

A parent that has been able to identify these challenges often go through parenting with much pleasure than pain as compared with parents that have no idea of any challenge that may come with parenting. Some of these parenting challenges come spontaneously while some can be foreseen and forestalled. While some of these Challenges come as a result of negligence and ignorance on part of both parents and grand parents many of these parenting challenges are unavoidable and unforeseeable.

The following challenge consists of both the ones that can be avoided or prepared for and the ones that may be sudden.

1. The Challenge of Pregnancy stress demands. Most parents(male) do not get themselves educated on the psychological and physical changes that the woman will go through during pregnancy. Such includes Swollen parts of the body, unusual demand for food, restlessness,...e.t.c. These challenge can be foreseen and prepared for by reading up books on parenting/pregnancy or joining parenting website membership sites

2. The challenge of delivery/labour pains. Many intending parents are ignorant of the pains, stress and troubles that often accompany delivery. Labour/Delivery lessons should be taken from a good counselor. Options of Cesarean section can be sought if need be. The parent(male) should get familiar with the demands of a woman in labour .

3.The challenge of Baby's feeding habit. These challenge can not be forseen,and may not be predictable. However some parents do have the challenge of the baby not feeding properly. The help of a medical practitioner will be needed if case arises.

4. The challenge of Poor Growth. These challenge also fall into the categories of those that can not be predicted. Whether a baby will grow fast or not cannot be determined before the baby is born or while the parents are growing up. However in cases where this occurs help can be sought from medical practitioners or advice sought from parents who have had similar experiences. Belonging to parenting membership sites can provide one with opportunity of meeting such parents.

5. The challenge of Low intelligent Quotient. These is another challenge that can't be predicted. the level of intelligence of the parent's baby in question,though can be influenced but can not be ultimately determined by the parents preparation. Several things can be done before birth to affect the baby's level of intelligence like, nutrition, mind exercise, exposing the pregnant parent(mother) to certain audio or video resources, e.t.c. However unpredictable this challenge might be, there are certain helps that can be done after the baby is born. Increasing the child genius by subscribing for services offered professionals can help along way in doing this.

6. The challenge of Baby-sitting. Babysitting has turned out to be a challenge faced by parents, especially first timer parents(parents just having their first baby). However this challenge can be foreseen and avoided by employing the services of a baby sitter or nanny. Parents also can get themselves familiar with this exercise before their baby arrives.

These is the final challenge that will be mentioned in this write up. Further challenges and solutions can be discovered with solutions also known by sharing experiences with other parents.

Ilori olalekan

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